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The Management Science and Engineering PhD program combines the frontier theories of management science with the advantages of language disciplines at BFSU, forming an interdisciplinary and multi-lingual international cultivation mode for talent in management science. It includes six research directions: International Logistics and Global Supply Chain Management; Accounting and Finance with AI and Fintech Applications; Big Data and Business Analytics; Data Science and Global Governance; Cross-cultural Management and Communication; and Language and Global Business.

1. International Logistics and Global Supply Chain Management

Combining modern logistics and operation theories with mathematical, information, and engineering methods, this direction is aimed at cultivating students’ ability to apply management science methods and study management problems in cross-nation and cross-organization operation supported by data-driven information systems, such as collaborative production and global supply chain inventory management, revenue and relationship management, and supply and demand network analysis and optimization. As such, they will be competent to engage in work such as teaching, research and management in higher education institutions, scientific research institutes, national authorities, Internet and technology companies, operation and supply chain management departments in multinational companies, and consulting firms.

2. Accounting and Finance with AI and Fintech Applications

Combining traditional accounting and financial theories with mathematics and information science methods, this direction is aimed at training students to learn about the latest issues relating to the development of accounting and finance by using mathematical modeling, data computational analysis and mining, cloud computing, blockchain, artificial intelligence, knowledge graph, policy simulation, and other methods, while performing research on accounting policy selection, information disclosure, financial decision-making, corporate governance, financial security, asset pricing, transaction strategy design, and financial risk measurement and management supported by data-driven business intelligence systems. As such, students will be competent to work at innovative and high-tech positions in higher education institutions, scientific research institutes, national authorities, international organizations, Internet companies, and high-tech consulting institutions.

3. Big Data and Business Analytics

Combining information science, mathematics, linguistics methods with theories of international business, and e-commerce, this direction is aimed at cultivating students’ ability to comprehensively apply artificial intelligence, cloud computing, data mining, natural language processing of multi-language corpus, cross-language information processing, and management research methods, while performing research on innovative trends and cross-cultural adoption of digital business models, intergovernmental information sharing and global Internet governance, data mining, user portrait and intelligent recommendation targeting multi-language and multi-cultural consumers, cross-border e-commerce operation, and management decision-making. From this, students will be empowered to take charge at relevant positions, including teaching, research and management in higher education institutions, scientific research institutes, national authorities, international organizations, Internet companies, and high-tech consulting institutions.

4. Data Science and Global Governance

In light of the complex environment for world economic recovery in the global governance system, this direction focuses on the application of computer science, statistics, and artificial intelligence methods and technology research in the field of global governance, conducting cross-disciplinary research on frontier issues in emerging technologies and innovation development, international trade and global industrial chains, and environment and sustainable development. This direction is aimed at cultivating students’ ability to apply scientific and technological methods in exploring global governance issues, including the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative, global trade policy, global industrial chain, international investment, global public health policies, energy, environment, economics, and policies. It also aims to train students to apply new technologies and methods in data science to explore global governance rules and cultivate high-quality and interdisciplinary talent with patriotic feelings and global governance capabilities.

5. Cross-cultural Management and Communication

Combining information science, mathematics and linguistic methods with management and communication theories, this direction is aimed at training students to explore natural language processing, cross-linguistic information processing, machine learning, artificial intelligence, neural networks, and other methods, using multi-lingual corpora, creatively studied communication network analysis, accurate information promotion, public opinion warning and brand perception monitoring based on multi-language information transmission, while performing research on linguistic and non-linguistic intercultural communication, business cultural identity, the behavior of cross-cultural organizations and other cutting-edge issues. It is also aimed at cultivating students’ abilities relating to communication, creativity, decision-making and strategic vision. As such, they will be competent to engage in relevant work such as teaching, research and management in higher education institutions, scientific research institutes, national authorities, international organizations, news agencies, and consulting institutions.

6. Language and Global Business 

Based on BFSU’s multi-lingual strengths, this direction focuses on the application of text analysis, sentiment analysis, natural language processing, machine learning, multimodal processing, social networks, knowledge graphs and other methods, and combines them with classical statistical, econometric, and optimization methods. It explores the phenomena and behaviors of economics and management by using language as an object of study and applying rules revealed in linguistics. This direction includes the impact of language on global business activities such as trade, finance, management, mergers and acquisitions, investment, risk, as well as global governance mechanisms such as discourse system and governance system. It is aimed at internationally cultivating competent talent for global economic management who have a high degree of language and cultural sensitivity, a deep grasp of information technology, and the ability to make decisions and forecasts under complex conditions. Accordingly, they will be competent to work in higher education institutions, scientific research institutes, financial investment, international organizations, consulting institutions, government agencies and other departments.