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Direct PhD Program


1. Introduction

IBS and CKGSB have established a strategic partnership since 2020 to jointly enroll students with a bachelor’s degree who move on directly to pursue a PhD degree in Management Science and Engineering.

2.  Degree Program Structure and Design

The program duration is 5 years, with a maximum of 6 years. The course arrangement is as follow:

Semester 1 to 4

Take courses to acquire theoretical knowledge and academic competence

Semester 5

Take a mid-term examination. If a student fails the mid-term examination or suffers from diseases or other reasons, he/she can request to quit the Direct PhD Program and become a master student to complete his/her studies on the premise that he/she is qualified for a master’s program.

Semester 6

Write the PhD thesis after submitting the thesis proposal.

Semester 10

Finish the thesis defense before graduation.

3. Study Mode

The PhD program at BFSU is full-time.

4. Application

Please refer to the “Working Plan on Recommended Exemption of Examinations” issued by IBS, and the “Enrollment Guide for Applying to PhD Programs” issued by BFSU.

(1) Qualification of Applicant

Full-time junior undergraduate students that have received a recommendation for exemption from their school.

(2) Application Date

According to the “Online Research Activity” notice released every spring semester, application to the Activity will be open in June.

According to the “Enrollment Guide for Applying to Master Programs” released every autumn semester, application to the Direct PhD Program will be open in September.

(3)Preliminary Assessment

The IBS will organize experts to preliminarily assess the materials. The list of approved applicants will be published on the official IBS website.


Approved applicants will be invited to receive further assessment, including written tests and interviews. Please see the IBS official website for specific assessment methods.


The proposed admission list will be released on the official IBS website. Students on the list must obtain the qualification of recommended exemption of examination from their universities in September, and complete the required process on the China Graduate Enrollment Information Network website.

5. Contact us

Official website:

Tel: (010) 88818121
