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Administration and Teaching

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GUO Ying

Master of Engineering in Beijing Jiao Tong University Geological Engineering


教育背景 Education Background

Master of Engineering   2015 September-2018 June   Beijing Jiao Tong University   Geological Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering  2010 September-2014 June Hebei University   Civil Engineering

工作经历 Work Experience

2018 July till now   International Cooperation Office, International Business School, BFSU,In charge of bachelor and graduate students’ mobility, especially for Exchange Programs. Also taking care of the cooperation for partner universities in Europe, Asian and partners for students’ mobility around the world.

2016 June till 2017 April   Part-time Simultaneous interpretation in the fields of civil engineering and geological engineering.

2014 June till 2015 April   New Oriental Oral English teacher.

教学研究 Taught Courses & Research Field


Mathematics for Economics and Business

Business Statistics