撰稿:admin 2022年06月06日 浏览 4531 次
2022年 | |||||
论文名称 | 发表/刊物论文集 | 所有作者 | 通讯作者 | 发表/出版时间 | 刊物级别 |
Industrial Linkage of Global Carbon Emissions: A Heterogeneous Ownership Perspective | Energy Policy | 马宁(学);孙文莉;Huajiao Li(外);周兴(学);孙艺华(学);Bo Ren(外) | 孙文莉 | 2022/12/1 | SSCI |
Evaluating Asset Pricing Models: A Revised Factor Model for China | Economic Modelling | 李志勇;饶骁(外) | 2022/11/1 | SSCI | |
The flow of embodied minerals between China's provinces and the world: A nested supply chain network perspective | Resources Policy | 任波(外);李华姣(外);王星星(外);史江兰(外);马宁;齐亚杰(外) | 2022/9/1 | SSCI | |
The role of aggregate risk aversion in the pricing of economic uncertainty | Applied Economics Letters | 任康钰;Tianyu Qin(外);穆远东 | 穆远东 | 2022/6/10 | SSCI |
Team Zhongyong Thinking and Team Incremental and Radical Creativity | Journal of Innovation & Knowledge | 郎艺;张帆;尹俊(外) | 2022/5/6 | SSCI | |
The Effects of Online Text Comments on Patients’ Choices: The Mediating Roles of Comment Sentiment and Comment Content | Fortiers in Psychology | 范静;Huihui Geng(外);Xuan Liu(外);Jiachen Wang(学) | 2022/5/6 | SSCI | |
User Engagement and User Loyalty Under Different Online Healthcare Community Incentives: An Experimental Study | Frontiers in Psychology | 邵明星;赵新洁;李亚芳(外) | 2022/4/29 | SSCI | |
CEO Duality and Bank Loan Contracting: Evidence from China | Emerging Markets Finance and Trade | 陈翀(外);崔慧洁;张亚男(外) | 崔慧洁 | 2022/4/18 | SSCI |
Greenwashing and credit spread: Evidence from the Chinese green bond market | Finance Research Letters | 徐国铨;Nuotian Lu(外);Yan Tong(外) | 2022/4/26 | SSCI | |
The asymmetric dominance of cognitive versus affective country image in driving purchase: Conditioning roles of cognition-affect intra-valence nature and product type | International Business Review | 马琳;宋泽宁;Xuemei Bian(外) | 宋泽宁 | 2022/4/5 | SSCI |
The impact of digital finance on household insurance purchases: evidence from micro data in China | The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice | Xiao Hu(外);Zhengjie Wang(外);刘骏 | 刘骏 | 2022/3/1 | SSCI |
Understanding the differences between Chinese and Western business practices: insights into Confucian philosophy | European Journal of International Management | 朱旎冰;杨志林(外);Cai Shaohan(外);Sun Haohao(外) | 2022/2/14 | SSCI | |
Narcissistic Enough to Challenge: The Effect of Narcissism on Change-Oriented Organizational Citizenship Behavior | Frontiers in Psychology | 郎艺;张宏宇(外);Liu Jialin(外);Zhang Xinyu(外) | 2022/2/9 | SSCI | |
The COVID-19 pandemic as an impetus for pro-environmental behaviours: The role of causal attribution | PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES | Ahmad Daryanto(外);宋泽宁;Didier Soopramanien(外) | 宋泽宁 | 2022/2/1 | SSCI |
The Consumption-Stimulating Effect of Public Rental Housing in China | China & World Economy | 邵小快;曹玉瑾(外);滕阳川(外);陈济冬(外);龚六堂(外) | 2022/1/27 | SSCI | |
Customer concentration and bank loan contracting: evidence from China | Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics | 崔慧洁;李钰(外);孙烨(外);张亚男(外) | 2022/1/21 | SSCI | |
Do negative investor attitudes drive corporate social responsibility? Evidence from China | Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility | Lijing Tong(外);文雯;Lu Xie(外);Bin Wu(外) | 文雯 | 2022/1/1 | SSCI |
Stock pledges by controlling shareholders and the disclosure of critical audit matters: evidence from China | Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics | Feng Xiaoqing(外);文雯;Ke Yun(外);He Ying(外) | 文雯 | 2022/1/1 | SSCI |
A Novel Customer-Oriented Recommendation System for Paid Knowledge Products | JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING | Ting Yang(外);张继龙;Liye Wang(外);Jin Zhang(外) | 张继龙 | 2022/10/12 | SCI |
Multi-stream (Q, r) model and optimization for data prefetching | European Journal of Operational Research | 朱晓燕(外);王军;Qi Yuan(外);Zhe Zhang(外) | 王军 | 2022/10/1 | SCI |
Target recovery of the economic system based on the target reinforcement path method | Chaos | 王泽(外);马宁;Xue Leyang(外);Wang Zhigang(外);唐任伍(外);狄增如(外) | 2022/9/1 | SCI | |
The International City Image of Beijing: A Quantitative Analysis Based on Twitter Texts from 2017–2021 | Sustainability | 张志硕(学);罗曼婷(学);Ziyu Luo(外);牛华勇 | 牛华勇 | 2022/8/27 | SCI |
An Alternative Globalization Barometer for Investigating the Trend of Globalization | Applied Sciences-Basel | 孙莎;徐海跃(学);何岷松(外);肖瑶(学);牛华勇 | 牛华勇 | 2022/8/15 | SCI |
The Optimal Industrial Carbon Tax for China Under Carbon Intensity Constraints: A Dynamic Input-Output Optimization Model | Environmental Science and Pollution Research | 马宁;殷广卫(外);李华姣(外);孙文莉;王泽(外);刘刚;谢丹(外) | 2022/7/1 | SCI | |
Textual Emotional Tone and Financial Crisis Identification in Chinese Companies: A | Applied Sciences | 张志硕(学);罗曼婷(学);Zhaoting Hu(学);牛华勇 | 牛华勇 | 2022/6/30 | SCI |
A Study on Early Warnings of Financial Crisis of Chinese Listed Companies Based on DEA-SVM Model | Mathematics | 张志硕(学);肖瑶(学);Zitian Fu(外);Kaiyang Zhong(外);牛华勇 | 牛华勇 | 2022/6/20 | SCI |
DEA and Machine Learning for Perpormance Prediction | Mathematics | 张志硕(学);肖瑶(学);牛华勇 | 牛华勇 | 2022/5/23 | SCI |
Optimum periodic maintenance policy of repairable multi-component system with component reallocation and system overhaul | Reliability Engineering & System Safety | 付玉强(外);王军 | 王军 | 2022/3/1 | SCI |
Detecting the Control and Dependence Relationships Within the Global Embodied Energy Trade Network | Energy | 任波(外);李华姣(外);史江兰(外);马宁;齐亚杰(外) | 2022/1/1 | SCI | |
Evaluation and Prediction of Low-Carbon Economic Efficiency in China, Japan and South Korea: Based on DEA and Machine Learning | Interner Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 牛华勇;张志硕(学);罗曼婷(学) | 2022/10/4 | SSCI,SCI | |
The Impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) on Health Outcomes: A Mediating Effect Analysis Based on Cross-National Panel Data | Journal of Environmental and Public Health | 邵明星;范静;黄紫珊(学);陈名扬(学) | 2022/8/10 | SSCI,SCI | |
Climate change adaptation and upland rice yield: evidence from a farm survey in Yunnan, China | China Agricultural Economic Review | Huaiyu Wang(外);Xi Hu(外);Shuangquan Yang(外);徐国铨 | 徐国铨 | 2022/8/9 | SSCI,SCI |
A Study of Carbon Emission Efficiency in Chinese Provinces Based on a Three-Stage SBM-Undesirable Model and an LSTM Model. | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 牛华勇;张志硕(学);肖瑶(学);罗曼婷(学);Yumeng Chen(外) | 2022/4/28 | SSCI,SCI | |
Joint Optimization of Spare Part Supply and Opportunistic Condition-Based Maintenance for Onshore Wind Farms Considering Maintenance Route | IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management | 朱晓燕(外);王军;David W. Coit(外) | 王军 | 2022/2/24 | SSCI,SCI |
中国对外直接投资与非洲东道国出口贸易结构升级 | 北京社会科学 | 连增,孙艺华(学) | 2022/12/1 | 核心期刊,CSSCI | |
“国家队”持股能促进企业绿色创新吗——重污染行业的异质性分析 | 科技进步与对策 | 乔菲(外);文雯;冯晓晴(外) | 文雯 | 2022/11/30 | 核心期刊,CSSCI |
财政压力、企业税费负担与全要素生产率 | 经济学动态 | 余靖雯;郭凯明(外);麦东仁(外) | 2022/11/30 | 核心期刊,CSSCI | |
企业ESG表现对其融资成本的影响 | 科学决策 | 陈若鸿;赵雪延(学);金华 | 金华 | 2022/11/20 | CSSCI |
“监督效应”VS“掏空效应”:高管纵向兼任与审计决策 | 中央财经大学学报 | 宋衍蘅;毕煜晗(外);文雯 | 文雯 | 2022/11/1 | 核心期刊,CSSCI |
明星分析师评选暂停对分析师预测行为的影响——基于《新财富》事件的经验证据 | 南开经济研究 | 李馨子(外);张腾(外);牛煜皓 | 2022/7/22 | 核心期刊,CSSCI | |
数字化转型对企业绿色创新的影响——基于中国制造业上市公司的经验证据 | 财贸研究 | 靳毓(外);文雯;何茵(外) | 文雯 | 2022/7/15 | 核心期刊,CSSCI |
柔性税收征管对企业投资效率的影响研究——基于纳税信用评级披露的经验证据 | 江苏社会科学 | 靳毓(外);文雯;冯晓晴(外) | 文雯 | 2022/7/10 | 核心期刊,CSSCI |
区域国别学的知识体系与学科建构 | 国际论坛 | 秦亚青(外);孙吉胜(外);杨丹;王展鹏 | 2022/6/2 | 核心期刊,CSSCI | |
最大化收益还是最小化损失?CEO调节焦点的影响因素——基于香港证券交易所中资上市公司的实证分析 | 管理评论 | 郎艺;王辉(外) | 2022/5/28 | 核心期刊,CSSCI | |
加强全球战略规划与实施建设世界一流外国语大学 | 中国高等教育 | 杨丹 | 2022/5/5 | 核心期刊,CSSCI | |
实体企业金融化与企业技术创新——来自非金融上市公司的经验证据 | 经济学家 | 彭龙(外);詹惠蓉;文文(学) | 詹惠蓉 | 2022/4/30 | 核心期刊,CSSCI |
企业资产负债表调整下的部门间债务重塑(封面文章) | 宏观经济研究 | 范德胜;邵兴宇(外) | 2022/3/18 | 核心期刊,CSSCI | |
创新产品的情景想象 ———时间视角与调节聚焦的匹配效应 | 管理评论 | 周圆圆;郑毓煌(外) | 2022/2/28 | 核心期刊,CSSCI | |
劳动力市场制度约束与企业出口:基于《劳动合同法》的证据 | 世界经济 | 张明昂(外);施新政(外);邵小快 | 邵小快 | 2022/2/21 | 核心期刊,CSSCI |
国有机构投资者持股能提升企业投资效率吗? | 经济管理 | 冯晓晴(外);文雯 | 文雯 | 2022/1/31 | 核心期刊,CSSCI |
关键审计事项减少了公司债券限制性条款吗——基于审计应对力度视角 | 山西财经大学学报 | 冯晓晴(外);文雯;王新(外) | 文雯 | 2022/1/10 | 核心期刊,CSSCI |
以“101工程”非通用语振兴计划服务国家语言能力建设 | 外语界 | 杨丹 | 2022/1/6 | 核心期刊,CSSCI | |
社会信任与企业多元化经营 | 财经问题研究 | 申丹琳(外);文雯;靳毓(外) | 文雯 | 2022/1/5 | 核心期刊,CSSCI |
中庸思维对女性管理者应对角色冲突的影响——基于12个幼儿园的纵向追踪调研 | 南京师大学报(社会科学版) | 尹俊(外);文秋香(外);郎艺 | 2022/1/1 | 核心期刊,CSSCI | |
2021年 | |||||
论文名称 | 发表/刊物论文集 | 所有作者 | 通讯作者 | 发表/出版时间 | 刊物级别 |
Cross-border M&As and the performance of Chinese acquiring firms | The World Economy | 孙文莉;谢丹(外) | 孙文莉 | 2021/12/1 | SSCI |
Sweet or sweat, which should come first: How consumption sequences of vices and virtues influence enjoyment | International Journal of Research in Marketing | 杨韶光;徐倩(外);金立印(外) | 2021/12/1 | SSCI | |
Team Size, Research Variety, and Research Performance: Do Coauthors' Coauthors Matter? | Journal of Informetrics | 朱旎冰;刘唱(外);杨志林(外) | 2021/11/1 | SSCI | |
Organization Capital and Corporate Innovation: Evidence from China | Finance Research Letters | 崔慧洁;戴鹂萱(学);张亚男(外) | 2021/11/1 | SSCI | |
How Does Group Climate Foster or Hinder Employee Voice? A Cross-Level Examination | Frontiers in Psychology | 钱晓烨(外);李倩;王珏(外);龚诗阳(外);周浩(外) | 2021/10/12 | SSCI | |
Cultural difference and China’s cross-border M&As: Language matters | International Review of Economics & Finance | 连增;孙文莉;谢丹(外);郑捷(外) | 2021/10/2 | SSCI | |
Economic uncertainty: A key factor to understanding idiosyncratic volatility puzzle | Finance Research Letters | Yong Li(外);穆远东;Tianyu Qin(外) | 2021/10/1 | SSCI | |
Collaborative learning between Chinese and international students in an English as a medium of instruction environment: Friend or foe? | Language Teaching Research | 李思飞 | 2021/9/15 | SSCI | |
Differential impacts of social influence on initial and sustained participation in open source software projects | Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology | Yang, Xuan(外);李虓;Hu, Daning(外);Wang, Harry Jiannan(外) | 2021/9/1 | SSCI | |
Do individual auditors have their own styles? Evidence from clients' financial statement comparability in China | Accounting Horizons | Haina Shi(外);文雯;Gaoguang Zhou(外);Xindong (Kevin) Zhou(外) | 2021/9/1 | SSCI | |
Urban development in China: On the sorting of skills | The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development | Steven Brakman(外);胡诗伟;Charles Van Marrewijk(外) | 2021/8/18 | SSCI | |
The fringe or national brand manufacturer? An analysis of private label sourcing strategy | Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing | 李雪 | 2021/8/9 | SSCI | |
Work Engagement of Employees in Moonlighting: A Moderated Mediation Model From a Boundaryless Career Perpective | FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY | 朋震;王青松(学);王斯玮(学) | 2021/8/2 | SSCI | |
COVID-19 pandemic and firm performance: cross-country evidence | International Review of Economics & Finance | 胡诗伟;Zhang Yuyao(外) | 2021/7/1 | SSCI | |
Outsiders, insiders and interventions in the housing market | Journal of Comparative Economics | 邵小快;Alexander White(外) | 2021/3/1 | SSCI | |
Customer concentration and corporate social responsibility performance: Evidence from China | Emerging Markets Review | 文雯;Yun Ke(外);Xuejiao Liu(外) | 2021/3/1 | SSCI | |
International trade with social comparisons | Review of International Economics | 连增;Jaimie Lien(外);Lin Lu(外);郑捷(外) | 2021/2/1 | SSCI | |
A meta-analysis of the relationship between place attachment and pro-environmental behaviour | JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH | Ahmad Daryanto(外);宋泽宁 | 2021/2/1 | SSCI | |
Quality and Private Label Encroachment Strategy | Production and Operations Management | 李雪;蔡小强(外);陈剑(外) | 2021/8/9 | SCI | |
Dynamic regulation on innovation and adoption of green technology with information asymmetry | Naval Research Logistics | Lisong Rong(外);Jian Chen(外);闻中 | 2021/4/2 | SCI | |
A Dynamic Model of Cournot Competition for an Oligopolistic Market | Mathematics | 连增;郑捷(外) | 2021/3/1 | SCI | |
Optimal Grading Policies in the Online Acquisition of Used Products | Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering | Xiang Chu(外);闻中;Jian Chen(外) | 2021/1/30 | SCI | |
To Wear or Not to Wear: Analysis of Individuals’ Tendency to Wear Masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic in China | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 王敏;赵采越(学);范静 | 2021/10/27 | SSCI,SCI | |
主宰命运还是顺天由命——内外控人格特征与人力资本投资 | 经济学(季刊) | 余靖雯;王敏;龚六堂(外) | 2021/11/30 | CSSCI | |
近朱者赤:上市公司精准扶贫行为的同群效应 | 上海财经大学学报 | 文雯;朱沛青(外);宋建波(外) | 2021/8/1 | CSSCI | |
“制度”与“人”是互补还是替代? 高绩效人力资源管理系统和领导支持对员工关系型心理契约的影响 | 管理评论 | 张宏宇(外);郎艺;王震(外) | 2021/12/28 | 核心期刊,CSSCI | |
构建新时代高校教材工作新格局初探 | 中国高教研究 | 杨丹 | 2021/12/20 | 核心期刊,CSSCI | |
第十三届中国语言经济学论坛综述 | 经济学动态 | 连增;牛华勇 | 2021/12/1 | 核心期刊,CSSCI | |
基于自动逻辑行动者属性模型的在线医生团队 社会影响机理研究 | 管理学报 | 刘 璇(外);迟晓彤(外);范静 | 2021/12/1 | 核心期刊,CSSCI | |
机器人技术发展对就业的影响—职业替代的视角 | 科学学研究 | 刘涛雄(外);潘资兴(外);刘骏 | 2021/10/27 | 核心期刊,CSSCI | |
国际友好城市与中资企业跨国并购——基于Zephyr全球并购分析交易库的实证研究 | 财贸经济 | 连增;李超(外);胡慧杰(外) | 2021/10/1 | 核心期刊,CSSCI | |
“国家队”持股能降低企业风险吗? | 证券市场导报 | 文雯;胡慧杰(外);李倩 | 2021/10/1 | 核心期刊,CSSCI | |
从效率优先到安全优先:美国关键产品全球 供应链政策的转变 | 国际论坛 | 陈若鸿 | 2021/9/1 | 核心期刊,CSSCI | |
CEO 境外居留权与企业社会责任 ———基于社会身份认同理论的实证研究 | 中南财经政法大学学报 | 文雯;张晓亮(外);刘芳(外) | 2021/8/1 | 核心期刊,CSSCI | |
机器人可以缓解老龄化带来的中国劳动力短缺问题吗 | 财贸经济 | 刘骏;刘涛雄(外);谢康(外) | 2021/8/1 | 核心期刊,CSSCI | |
“国家队”持股与公司违规 | 管理科学 | 文雯;乔菲(外) | 2021/7/1 | 核心期刊,CSSCI | |
家庭隔代抚养文化、延迟退休年龄与劳动力供给 | 经济研究 | 郭凯明(外);余靖雯;龚六堂(外) | 2021/6/26 | 核心期刊,CSSCI | |
业绩预告及时性与可靠性的权衡——基于经济政策不确定性视角 | 管理评论 | 宋云玲(外);宋衍蘅 | 2021/6/17 | 核心期刊,CSSCI | |
纵向兼任高管能抑制公司违规吗? | 经济管理 | 乔菲(外);文雯;徐经长(外) | 2021/5/19 | 核心期刊,CSSCI | |
经济危机对企业研发回报率的影响:基于巨浪模型的实证分析 | 科研管理 | 苏依依(外);王敏 | 2021/5/1 | 核心期刊,CSSCI | |
控股股东股权质押与管理层业绩预告披露 | 管理科学 | 文雯;乔菲(外);陈胤默(外) | 2021/4/16 | 核心期刊,CSSCI | |
退休年龄、隔代抚养与经济增长 | 经济学(季刊) | 郭凯明(外);余靖雯;龚六堂(外) | 2021/3/31 | 核心期刊,CSSCI | |
环境自我认同对大学生低碳行为的影响 | 心理与行为研究 | 杨冠宇(学);李淑敏 | 2021/3/7 | 核心期刊,CSSCI | |
服务贸易协定承诺的覆盖率对制造业增加值出口的影响 | 国际经贸探索 | 连增;何蓉;刘明瑶(学) | 2021/1/10 | 核心期刊,CSSCI | |
2020年 | |||||
论文名称 | 发表/刊物论文集 | 所有作者 | 通讯作者 | 发表/出版时间 | 刊物级别 |
Dynamic Plan Control: An Effective Tool to Manage Demand Considering Mobile Internet Network Congestion | Applied Sciences | 马潇宇;张继红;曹渊(外);贺舟(外);Jonas Nebel(外) | 2020/12/24 | SCI | |
Fund Network Centrality, Hard-to-Value Portfolio, and Investment Performance | Complexity | Xiao Hu(外);Yimeng Cang(外);Long Ren(外);刘骏 | 2020/12/17 | SCI | |
Evolutive preference analysis with online consumer ratings | Information Sciences | 李雪;Hongfu Liu(外);朱斌(外) | 2020/6/25 | SCI | |
Optimal Technology Investment under Emission Trading Policy | Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering | Shuo Huang(外);闻中;Jian Chen(外);Ning Cui(外) | 闻中 | 2020/4/11 | SCI |
Who benefits from online financing? A sharing economy E-tailing platform perspective | International Journal of Production Economics | Gong, DQ(外);Liu,SF(外);刘骏;Ren,Long(外) | 2020/3/31 | SCI | |
The Effects of Robots on the Long-Run Economic Growth | Technical Gazette | 刘骏;Ren Long(外);Chu, Xiang(外);Gong Daqing(外) | 2020/1/31 | SCI | |
Serial and Parallel Duopoly Competition in Multi-Segment Transportation Routes | TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART E-LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORTATION REVIEW | Zhonghong Kuang(外);连增;Jaimie Lien(外);郑捷(外) | 连增 | 2020/1/1 | SCI |
The effect of culture on consumption: A behavioral approach | Journal of Asian Economics | 何蓉;李荷清(学);连增 | 连增 | 2020/4/1 | SSCI |
The long-run performance of acquiring firms in mergers and acquisitions: Does managerial ability matter? | Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics | 崔慧洁;Sidney Chi-Moon Leung(外) | 2020/4/1 | SSCI | |
Temporary employment and voice behavior: the role of self-efficacy and political savvy | Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources | 钱晓烨(外);李倩;Yijia Song(外);王珏(外) | 李倩 | 2020/10/1 | SSCI |
Matching under school and home bundling | International Tax and Public Finance | 邵小快 | 2020/9/16 | SSCI | |
Executive political connections, information disclosure incentives, and stock price crash risk: Evidence from Chinese non-state-owned enterprises | Emerging Market Finance and Trade | 李思飞;曹丰(外);孙健(外);胡倩倩(外) | 2020/9/8 | SSCI | |
Government intervention and firm investment | Journal of Corporate Finance | 邓路(外);江萍(外);李思飞;廖明情(外) | 李思飞 | 2020/8/11 | SSCI |
Presidential Marketing: Trade Promotion Effects of State Visits | Global Economic Review | Eugene Beaulieu(外);连增;万山(外) | 连增 | 2020/8/1 | SSCI |
How Many Robots Should We Invest? A Theoretical Analysis With Two-Sector Production Facility | ECONOMIC COMPUTATION AND ECONOMIC CYBERNETICS STUDIES AND RESEARCH | 刘骏;Ren, L(外);Li, T(外) | 2020/6/30 | SSCI | |
Directors with foreign experience and corporate tax avoidance | Journal of Corporate Finance | 文雯;崔慧洁;Ke Yun(外) | 2020/6/1 | SSCI | |
Political turnover and stock crash risk: Evidence from China | Pacific-Basin Finance Journal | 余靖雯;麦东仁(学) | 2020/6/1 | SSCI | |
Mindsets, shopping motivations and compulsive buying: Insights from China | Journal of Consumer Behavior | A.Japutra(外);宋泽宁 | 宋泽宁 | 2020/3/15 | SSCI |
Does an Innovative Climate Help to Sustain Competitiveness? The Moderating Effect of Government Support and Market Competition | Sustainability | 高昂(外);林钰莹(外);周圆圆 | 周圆圆 | 2020/3/6 | SSCI |
Promoting EMI in University Teaching: an action research experience | Journal of Education for Teaching | 曹鸿星;袁睿(外) | 2020/2/4 | SSCI | |
Information sharing in a contest game with group identity | Economics Letters | Weixing Ford(外);连增;Jaimie Lien(外);郑捷(外) | 连增 | 2020/2/1 | SSCI |
Polluted Psyche: Is the Effect of Air Pollution on Unethical Behavior More Physiological or Psychological? | Psychological Science | 龚诗阳(外);Jackson G. Lu(外);John M. Schaubroeck(外);李倩;周琦玮(外);钱晓烨(外) | 李倩 | 2020/8/1 | SSCI,SCI |
Optimal Production-inventory Policy for a Periodic-review Energy Buy-back System over an Infinite Planning Horizon | Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research | 张继红;丁晓松;陈虹桥(外) | 2020/6/6 | SSCI,SCI | |
Optimal contract design with a common agency in last-mile logistics | Transportation Research Part E | Chu, X(外);刘骏;Ren, L(外);Gong, Daqing(外) | 2020/4/30 | SSCI,SCI | |
Diversity and Quantity Choice in a Horizontally Differentiated Duopoly | Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade | 邵小快 | 邵小快 | 2020/12/1 | 国外期刊 |
基于行为证据推理的企业研发人员绩效测量方法研究 | 科研管理 | 郑毅(外);徐芳(外);牛华勇 | 2020/10/10 | CSSCI | |
高校扩招提升了企业出口质量吗 | 宏观经济研究 | 王海成(外);邵小快 | 邵小快 | 2020/8/18 | CSSCI |
多个大股东与企业风险承担 | 中南财经政法大学学报 | 冯晓晴(外);文雯 | 文雯 | 2020/5/25 | CSSCI |
借壳上市中的业绩补偿承诺与企业真实盈余管理 | 山西财经大学学报 | 张海晴(外);文雯;宋建波(外) | 文雯 | 2020/4/1 | CSSCI |
叫座却不叫好:明星效应对网络口碑的影响 | 管理科学 | 龚诗阳(外);李倩;姜博(外);姚凯(外) | 无 | 2020/3/1 | CSSCI |
控股股东股权质押会损害资本市场信息效率吗?——来自股价同步性的经验证据 | 审计与经济研究 | 冯晓晴(外);文雯;何瑛(外) | 文雯 | 2020/2/29 | CSSCI |
税收政策不确定性与企业债务融资决策 | 当代财经 | 靳毓(外);文雯 | 文雯 | 2020/5/15 | CSSCI |
多个大股东与企业社会责任 | 财经论丛 | 冯晓晴(外);文雯;靳毓(外) | 文雯 | 2020/10/15 | CSSCI |
财务报告可读性、投资者实地调研与对冲策略 | 会计研究 | 逯东(外);余渡(外);杨丹 | 2020/10/7 | CSSCI | |
CEO股权激励能促进企业对外直接投资吗——基于企业异质性视角 | 国际商务 | 文雯;陈胤默(外);张晓亮(外);孙乾坤(外) | 2020/9/15 | CSSCI | |
并购业绩补偿承诺与商誉减值研究 | 证券市场导报 | 张海晴(外);文雯;宋建波(外) | 文雯 | 2020/9/10 | CSSCI |
纵向高管兼任与审计师选择:信号传递VS寻租 | 审计与经济研究 | 宋衍蘅;毕煜晗(学);宋云玲(外) | 无 | 2020/8/1 | CSSCI |
公司债务违约与审计师风险应对 | 会计与经济研究 | 文雯;冯晓晴(外);宋衍蘅 | 宋衍蘅 | 2020/7/25 | CSSCI |
组织结构视角下我国学术会议绩效评价管理研究 | 科研管理 | 郑毅(外);刘文斌(外);宋泽宁 | 宋泽宁 | 2020/3/20 | CSSCI |
学者型CEO更加自律吗?——学术经历对高管在职消费的影响 | 经济管理 | 张晓亮(外);文雯;宋建波(外) | 文雯 | 2020/1/21 | CSSCI |
欧盟《外国直接投资审查框架条例》评析 | 国际论坛 | 陈若鸿 | 2020/1/1 | CSSCI | |
2019年 | |||||
论文名称 | 发表/刊物论文集 | 所有作者 | 通讯作者 | 发表/出版时间 | 刊物级别 |
Social capital and access to informal finance – evidence from Chinese private firms | Accounting & Finance | 邓路(外);姜萍(外);李思飞;Liao MQ(外) | 李思飞 | 2019/12/16 | SSCI |
Place attachment, trust and mobility: Three-way interaction effect on urban residents' environmental citizenship behaviour | Journal of Business Research | 宋泽宁;AHMAD DARYANTO(外);DIDIER SOOPRAMANIEN(外) | 2019/12/2 | SSCI | |
Cultural difference and China’s cross-border M&As: Language matters | International Review of Economics & Finance | 连增;孙文莉;谢丹(外);郑捷(外) | 2019/11/30 | SSCI | |
Pricing or Advertising? A Game-Theoretic Analysis of Online Retailing | Journal of the Association for Information Systems | 闻中;Lihui Lin(外) | 2019/8/1 | SSCI | |
Does investor sentiment affect stock price crash risk? | Applied Economics Letters | 崔慧洁;张亚男(外) | 2019/8/1 | SSCI | |
Managerial ability and stock price crash risk | Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics | 崔慧洁;陈翀(外);张亚男(外);朱曦济(外) | 2019/8/1 | SSCI | |
Economic policy uncertainty, prudential regulation and bank lending | Finance Research Letters | 胡诗伟;Di Gong(外) | 2019/6/20 | SSCI | |
Neither “local” nor “global”: Chinese university students’ identity paradoxes in the internationalization of higher education | Higher Education | Rui Yuan(外);李思飞;YU,BH(外) | 李思飞 | 2019/6/10 | SSCI |
Are cadre offspring in the fast lane? Evidence from the labour market for college graduates in China | Applied economics | 余靖雯;Yongzhao Lin(外);Cheng Jiang(外) | 2019/5/1 | SSCI | |
Social Security, Intergenerational Transfers, and Growth | Annals of Economics and Finance | 余靖雯;Kaiming Guo(外) | 2019/5/1 | SSCI | |
How Job Autonomy Promotes Employee’s Sustainable Development? A Moderated Mediation Model | sustainability | 周琦玮(外);李倩;龚诗阳(外) | 李倩 | 2019/11/15 | SSCI |
Trade effects of political conflicts | Applied Economics Letters | 万山(外);连增;YUE CHEN(外) | 连增 | 2019/7/25 | SSCI |
Preserving Location Privacy in Spatial Crowdsourcing Under Quality Control | IEEE Access | null;刘骏 | 2019/10/25 | SCI | |
Location of a conservative hyperplane for cutting plane methods in disjoint bilinear programming | Optimization Letters | 陈曦;张继红;丁晓松 | 丁晓松 | 2019/10/16 | SCI |
Optimal Financing and Production Decisions for a Supply Chain with Buyer-backed Purchase Order Financing Contract | IEEE Access | 曹渊(外);张继红;马潇宇 | 马潇宇 | 2019/8/16 | SCI |
Convergence of the proper efficiency in vector optimization problems with equilibrium constraints | Pacific Journal of Optimization | 武育楠;DONG J(外);ZHANG D(外) | 2019/11/4 | SCI | |
Identifying Complements and Substitutes of Products: A Neural Network Framework Based on Product Embedding | ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data | 张明月;Xuan Wei(外);郭迅华(外);陈国青(外);卫强(外) | 2019/6/20 | SCI | |
Design of Intelligent Logistics Drivers Evaluation System-Based on Entropy-AHP Method | Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management | 王秀慧(学);马潇宇;范静;叶琼伟(外) | 马潇宇 | 2019/7/15 | EI |
Spatial and big data analytics of E-market transaction in China | GeoJournal | null;连增;BING SHE(外);SONALI KUDVA(外) | 连增 | 2019/1/5 | EI |
Marketing Communication in the Digital Age: Online Ads, Online WOM, and Mobile Game Adoptions | Nankai Business Review International | 龚诗阳(外);汪晚芩(外);李倩 | 李倩 | 2019/8/2 | 国外期刊 |
Exploring Entrepreneurial Roles and Identity in the United Kingdom and China | The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation | null;刘鹏;詹惠蓉;BOZWARD,D(外);范静;WATTS,H(外);马潇宇 | 刘鹏 | 2019/2/1 | 国外期刊 |
母国税收政策不确定性与企业对外直接投资 | 世界经济研究 | 陈胤默(外);孙乾坤(外);文雯;张晓瑜(外) | 2019/11/29 | CSSCI | |
房地产投资对其他固定资产投资的综合效应研究 ----基于我国省级面板数据的实证分析 | 金融评论 | 范德胜;李凌竹(外) | 2019/10/18 | CSSCI | |
晋升激励与工业用地出让价格——基于断点回归方法的研究 | 经济研究 | 田文佳(外);余靖雯;龚六堂(外) | 余靖雯 | 2019/10/15 | CSSCI |
中国对外直接投资体制的逻辑演进与创新策略 | 经济体制改革 | 高鹏飞(外);辛灵(外);孙文莉 | 2019/10/1 | CSSCI | |
我国藏学研究特点及发展趋势分析--基于CNKI 的文献数据(2013-2017) | 西藏大学学报(社会科学版) | 蔡秀清(外);杨丹 | 2019/9/9 | CSSCI | |
团队文化多样性对团队创新的影响及作用机制 | 心理科学进展 | 李倩;龚诗阳(外);李超凡(学) | 2019/9/1 | CSSCI | |
流通业发展、空间互动与城市经济增长 | 产业经济研究 | 黄雨婷(外);文雯 | 文雯 | 2019/7/30 | CSSCI |
母国经济政策不确定性、融资约束与企业对外直接投资 | 国际贸易问题 | 陈胤默(外);孙乾坤(外);文雯;黄雨婷(外) | 文雯 | 2019/6/15 | CSSCI |
学者型CEO能否抑制企业税收规避 | 山西财经大学学报 | 文雯;张晓亮(外);宋建波(外) | 2019/5/17 | CSSCI | |
企业成长性与机构投资者行为选择 ———基于定向增发折价的分析 | 北京理工大学学报(社会科学版) | 佟岩(外);谢明智(外);李思飞 | 李思飞 | 2019/5/10 | CSSCI |
新中国70年对外直接投资:发展历程、理论逻辑与政策体系 | 财经理论与实践 | 高鹏飞(外);辛灵(外);孙文莉 | 2019/5/1 | CSSCI | |
中国对外直接投资政策体系演进与政府行为创新—基于国际比较的视角 | 国际贸易 | 高鹏飞(外);孙文莉;胡瑞法(外) | 2019/5/1 | CSSCI | |
政府补助、投融资约束与企业僵尸化 | 财贸经济 | 宋建波(外);苏子豪(外);王德宏 | 王德宏 | 2019/4/21 | CSSCI |
衍生金融工具、套期会计与股价崩盘风险--基于A股金融类上市公司的实证研究 | 金融评论 | 冯晓晴(外);王德宏;宋建波(外) | 王德宏 | 2019/4/21 | CSSCI |
商学教育国际化绩效评价 | 科研管理 | 牛华勇;栾硕(学);宋阳(外) | 2019/4/20 | CSSCI | |
矛盾视角下调节焦点在领导力领域的应用 | 心理科学进展 | 张宏宇(外);李文(外);郎艺 | 郎艺 | 2019/4/1 | CSSCI |
宏观政策不确定性与企业现金持有 | 经济学(季刊) | 余靖雯;郭凯明(外);龚六堂(外) | 2019/4/1 | CSSCI | |
交通基础设施建设改善了企业投资效率吗?——基于中国高铁开通的准自然实验 | 中南财经政法大学学报 | 文雯;黄雨婷(外);宋建波(外) | 2019/3/15 | CSSCI | |
论“僵尸企业”处置中政府补贴的作用 | 中国人民大学学报 | 宋建波(外);苏子豪(外);王德宏 | 王德宏 | 2019/2/21 | CSSCI |
特朗普政府投资领域国家安全审查制度的新变化及其趋势解析 | 国际论坛 | 连增;王颖(学);孙文莉 | 2019/2/1 | CSSCI | |
反向收购与企业创新——反向收购与IPO的对比分析 | 厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 佟岩(外);谢思敏(外);韩春阳(外);李思飞 | 2019/1/28 | CSSCI | |
土地财政还是土地金融?——地方政府基础设施建设融资模式研究 | 经济科学 | 余靖雯;王敏;郭凯明(外) | 王敏 | 2019/1/21 | CSSCI |