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Mathematics in Economics II

Course Overview

This course includes mathematical problems arising in management and economic sciences and is intended for those planning to major in business. The first part of the course will cover topics in Linear Algebra, which introduces students to vectors, linear transformations, and matrices with applications to the geometry of Euclidian three-space and generalizations. The course usually begins with a careful study of the solution of linear systems of equations and ends with the orthogonal diagonalization of symmetric matrices. Topics include row reduction, determinants, bases, dimension, rank, nullity, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors. The second part will cover topics in Probability, which introduces students to probability, conditional probability, random variables, distribution and density functions, joint and conditional distributions, various families of discrete and continuous distributions, mgf technique for sums, convergence in distribution, convergence in probability, central limit theorem.


Lecture Notes

   Linear Algebra




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